The intragastric or gastric balloon is the simplest bariatric procedure. It consists of an inflatable silicone balloon that is placed in the stomach to reduce the ability to receive food. Also, because of where it is located, stimulates the satiety center in the brain. The mechanism used is called restrictive.

How standing?

The balloon is inserted into the stomach through the mouth, without incisions or sutures. The specialist performed a preliminary examination of the stomach using an endoscopic camera. If the observed anomalies, proceeds to the deflated balloon placement orally, through a flexible tube (catheter), with the help of anesthetics that numb the throat area and slight sedation. Once located in the stomach, the ball is filled with 600 a 700 ml saline Blue, Color to detect losses through urine. When finished inflating, catheter valve that prevents the escape of liquid is removed and closes automatically.

The procedure lasts about 15 minutes. The procedure is performed on an outpatient (not require hospitalization) and the patient remains in the bariatric center until it is recovered from the sedation, usually between 4 and 6 hours. As you must have a duty to rest during the 2 Days after placement.

How it works?

Once inflated, the ball floats freely inside the stomach: occupies one-third to half of the stomach. This reduces the ability to incorporate food and, also, due to its location, stimulates the satiety center in the brain. Their use must be combined with a program of nutrition education and physical activity. The ball does not represent an obstacle for everyday activities.

Who can use the ball?

The ball has been designed as a temporary weight loss aid in people who have a body mass index (IMC) of 30 a 40 and who could not lose weight and keep using other methods. It may be particularly useful for people who are very overweight (morbidly obese) be subsequently face surgery.

Who can not use the ball?

The intragastric balloon is not recommended in the following cases:

  • Patients with previous gastric or intestinal disease.
  • Patients with hiatal hernia.
  • Patients with a structural abnormality in the esophagus or larynx, as an abnormal narrowing or inflammation (diverticula).
  • Patients taking corticosteroids, anticoagulants or other gastric irritants.
  • Pregnant or lactating women.

They may benefit those gastric balloon:

  • con IMC mayor a 30.
  • who can not undergo bariatric surgery.
  • who need to reduce the surgical risk.
  • who want to experiment with a restrictive method before having surgery.

How long can be used?

Generally, the ball is used by 6 months, resistance within the material under the action of gastric juice. Durante el tiempo de uso del balón se indica una medicación que inhibe la secreción ácida del estómago para evitar posibles úlceras a causa del roce. Si el médico lo considera conveniente, puede colocarse un nuevo balón después de un período de 30 a 45 días de retirado el anterior.

Para retirarlo se inserta un catéter a través del esófago con una aguja para pinchar el balón, drenar el líquido por el tubo y así desinflar el balón, que se retira por la boca. Se utiliza sedación y medicación relajante de los músculos del esófago.

¿Cuánto peso se puede bajar?

En pacientes con un sobrepeso importante permite, en general, lograr mejores resultados que las dietas y el ejercicio solos o combinados. Puede lograrse un descenso de 12 a 25 kilos aproximadamente. En casos de mayor sobrepeso es probable que se necesite recurrir a las cirugías bariátricas como el bypass o la banda gástrica para obtener mejores resultados.

¿Se recupera el peso perdido luego de retirar el balón?

El balón es una ayuda temporaria para la pérdida de peso. Durante el período de uso, los pacientes aprenden hábitos alimentarios y otros comportamientos saludables. De ellos dependerá el mantenimiento del peso a largo plazo.