Humans through the food you eat integrates the body with energy, this energy is called calories. The calories are spent on vital functions such as organ function, repair of structures, growth, The regulation of body temperature; and movements or physical activity.


Obesity is a disease caused by an energy greater than the energy actually expended, ie an imbalance between intake and expenditure. Unspent calories are deposited into the body in the form of fat and when it is accumulated over a given level is called and becomes obesity disease. The major problem of the disease is called obesity which becomes a risk factor for developing other such as high pressure enfemedades, diabetes, high cholesterol and some cancers.

This problem is the result of the changes we have experienced with modern life. On the one hand, increased consumption of high-calorie foods with processed foods high in salt, fats and / or sugar such as candy, cecinas, bakery products and soft drinks. Also, less consume foods low in calories and high in fiber are beneficial to health, as fruits, vegetables and legumes. Moreover, more and spend less energy in the work of everyday life, many have a sedentary job, dométicas work and are currently made with the help of machines, walk increasingly less, and few people take the time to practice a sport or physical activity such as dancing or cycling. These transformations of modern life increasingly accentuated the imbalance between energy intake and worn during the day, which accumulates and after some later overweight and obesity have, and if we do not we care concienia.

For the World Health Organization (WHO), obesity and overweight have reached epidemic characters worldwide. More than one billion adults are overweight and, them, at least 300 million are obese. Concern about obesity lies in its direct effects on health and its association with major chronic diseases of our time: cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus type 2, hypertension and certain cancers. Obesity can reduce life expectancy by up to ten years and represents a heavy economic burden for society and for the person who begins early to spend some of your budget on pharmacy and not in a healthy and pleasant life.